We create therefore we exist

"I look forward to every Tuesday, when I come to the workshop, as it is almost the only place where I go out and meet friends. We spend some quality time together and simply create. I can't find the words to describe how thrilled we are when our decorative products are ready ", says Nadica Stošić, a 32-year-old woman from Vranje who is a member of the Multiple Sclerosis Association of the Pčinja District.

The unique items from their workshop, such as hand-painted trays, bottles, magnets, and fabrics are often presented at local exhibitions or sold at charity sales. This association, founded more than two decades ago, today has almost 80 members, of which almost 90 percent are women. The members of the Association are well-known for their creativity and desire to create and be active in society. Every Tuesday, the workshops organised by the Association gather about a dozen women members who use decoupage technique and painting on glass to make decorative items that can be sold. 

According to the secretary of the Association, Gordana Stojanović, this kind of work and socializing is particularly important for people with multiple sclerosis. "In addition to socialization, they preserve their fine hand motor skills in this way. Our beneficiaries have the opportunity to generate some income by selling these items, so they are also economically empowered which helps them regain self-confidence and improve the quality of life." As especially important, Gordana states that women gathering at workshops feel like productive members of the community.

The Association started organising workshops in 2016 with the support of the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through the European PROGRES Programme with the aim of social and economic empowerment of women from particularly vulnerable groups. At that time, twelve women attended five-month training sessions for decoupage and painting on glass and wood. However, the Association has gone one step further.

With the support of the European Union through the EU PRO programme, it procured a textile printing machine and founded a social enterprise. This further improved both the economic position of women with multiple sclerosis and their psychophysical health. The members of the Association attended workshops where they acquired new skills that create opportunities for additional sources of income, and three of them got temporary jobs. The first contract signed, which they are particularly proud of,  was printing T-shirts and canvas bags for the Vranje Human Rights Committee.

In addition to economic benefits, the project has significantly contributed to improving the social inclusion of people with disabilities, through their active participation in society and better socialization, while precise work with decoupage techniques contributes to preserving their health by practicing their fine motor skills.

The European Union, in partnership with the Ministry of European Integration, supports projects that contribute to gender equality and improvement of the position of women, especially those belonging to the vulnerable groups. Through nine such projects supported through the EU PRO programme over 160 women have been empowered by providing them the opportunity to acquire various knowledge and skills, receive equipment to start their own business as well as to advocate for equal rights.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09